Communication is the fabric of all relationships.. If properly understood, communication is the most important tool for enhancing quality of life.
It provides a common ground for all age groups, races and religions. It can build friendships, increase agreement, express culture and further our
understanding of our spiritual nature.
The quality of a person's life is dictated by the quality of their communication.
Through more than six decades of personal research, Ken Dyers lectured and demonstrated the practical use and handling of personal energy and
its effects on communication across all areas of human endeavour.
In this not to be missed presentation by Jan Dyers, who along with Ken co-founded Kenja Communications in 1982, and who will demonstrate the use of energy
in communication as researched by Ken Dyers. |
More lectures of "Spiritual Understanding in a Physical World" are planned for Sydney, Melbourne and Canberra. For more details contact us at: